Facebook Purchased GIPHY for $400 million

Facebook announced yesterday that it is acquiring GIPHY. The GIPHY started in February 2013 as a search engine for GIFs and it was apparent that co-founders Alex Chung and Jace Cooke were on to something after they attracted one million users during GIPHY’s first week. After that soon GIPHY was allowing users to post, embed, and share GIFs on Facebook. Half of GIPHY’s traffic comes from Facebook-owned apps with Instagram making up 50% of that figure.

Facebook says, “By bringing Instagram and GIPHY together, we can make it easier for people to find the perfect GIFs and stickers in Stories and Direct. Both our services are big supporters of the creator and artist community, and that will continue. Together, we can make it easier for anyone to create and share their work with the world…GIFs and stickers give people meaningful and creative ways to express themselves.

Author: Mahesh Mhatre

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